WingX Pro7 for Android!
Very exciting news - this morning we announced WingX Pro7 for Android. WingX Pro7 for iOS has been extremely successful and now we are putting the same great technology on Android tablets and phones. As you can imagine, our Engineering Team has been hard at work and we're very excited to be showing WingX Pro7 at Sun-n-Fun this week.
WingX Pro7 for Android includes a lot of great features such as a very cool 3D moving map, support for Lockheed Martin's new Flight Service online functionality, geo-referenced Instrument Approach Charts and Airport Diagrams, Weather, NOTAMs, TFRs, route planning and more.
Does WingX Pro7 for Android have the same capabilities as its sibling on iOS? Not yet, but we are putting in a significant effort to get there.
Right now, we're heading out the door to Sun-n-Fun, but be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and keep checking our home page for updated information and videos.
Going to Sun-n-Fun?
If you're at Sun-n-Fun, stop by our booth in Hangar D (D-081 and D-082 - right as you walk in), we'll be giving away caps, shirts, and other goodies.
Charging Station
Running out of juice? Stop by our booth and charge your iPad, iPhone, and of course Android devices too!
Small print: You are responsible for your device; i.e. someone else walks off with it, it ain't our fault.
CFI Free! and SV Free!
In case you missed the newsletter on our CFI Free! and SV Free! initiatives, the details from our previous newsletter are included below. When we release WingX Pro7 for Android, we'll have more info on how these apply to Android.
Click on the icons below to Like Us on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter - this way you'll be the first to hear our exciting announcements.

CFI Free!
The WingX Rewind launch has been amazing. Pilots are recording flights and viewing them in Google Earth or using the GPX data to visualize the flight in their favorite 3D viewer or even viewing them right in WingX Pro7 on the iPad! No other EFB comes close to this capability. Flight instructors are already seeing the benefits and have started incorporating WingX Rewind as part of their post-flight debrief. This is exciting. So exciting that we want every CFI to have the opportunity to integrate WingX Rewind into their flight training. Introducing CFI Free! Certificated Flight Instructors (CFIs) now get:
- A free WingX Pro7 subscription including WingX Rewind
- An Advanced IFR subscription with Approach Chart Geo-Referencing and the new IAP Routing
- A Synthetic Vision subscription
WingX Pro7 is free for Flight Instructors.
For more information about CFI Free and instructions on how to sign-up for CFI Free, visit:
SV Free!
As the first major EFB to introduce Synthetic Vision on iPad (even on a cell phone!), WingX Pro7 has led the way in advancing the technology capabilities in mobile aviation solutions. Moreover we have worked hard with many partners to integrate external devices so that we don't force you to buy a proprietary device. Some of these devices provide AHRS data that enables WingX Pro7's Synthetic Vision engine to render the pitch and bank of the outside world in amazing real-time. Even more amazing is that we did this more than 3 1/2 years ago and only recently have other EFBs added their version of Synthetic Vision (but still requiring their proprietary hardware).
As a way of saying thank you for a wonderful decade of support, Synthetic Vision is now free to every WingX Pro7 who has a current subscription.
Synthetic Vision is now free for all current WingX Pro7 subscribers.
How do I signup?
You don't need to you. Do this: from WingX Pro7's Main Menu, tap on Databases and Subscriptions, tap on WingX Pro7, tap on Sync Account. You will notice an expiration date at the end of 2015. The first WingX Pro7 release in 2015 will remove this expiration date.
WingX Rewind?
WingX Rewind is technology that allows you to record and playback a flight with real-time GPS, AHRS pitch-and-bank, and pitot-static information. WingX Pro7 will playback a flight as if you were there; i.e. view your breadcrumb track on the IAP, see how well you flew the ILS, see how steep your turns to final were, etc. You can also email a flight to someone allowing that person to view the flight on the web or view it right on the iPad in Google Earth. We believe that WingX Rewind will fundamentally improve flight instruction because for the first time, Flight Instructors have a quick and simple way to review all phases of the flight from engine start to engine stop. Finally, an EFB app that addresses post-flight and review - and WingX Rewind is free with your basic WingX Pro7 subscription.
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