Thursday, February 14, 2013

NASA - Spot The Station

Scientists have developed a new system that increase GPS accuracy by up to 90%

Dare to Dip and Dive With This Duo of Damn Durable Drones

PING Data Display

Oklahoma Ham Helps Develop New Winter Weather App for NOAA

CFM Partners with Premier Group Bringing Flight Options to BHM

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Fwd: "FAAST Blast to all CFIs" -

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Date: Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 4:31 PM
Subject: "FAAST Blast to all CFIs" -

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

FAAST Blast to all CFIs
Notice Number: NOTC4551

In accordance with FAA Notice N8900.204, which was effective 01/11/2013, we wish to inform you of your responsibility to identify any applicant for a certificate or rating who does not demonstrate the English language skill standards in accordance with 14 CFR regulations and FAA policy. You should report appropriate information about the airman to the nearest FSDO. The FSDO ASI will then take action in accordance with Order 8900.1, Volume 5, Chapter 2, Section 5.

Discussion. Title 14 CFR parts 61, 63, and 65 address English language skills currently required for airman certification. Part 61 requires that pilots must be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language. The responsibility for ensuring applicants meet the English language eligibility requirements is shared by CFIs and GIs, part 141 and non-part 141 aviation pilot training schools, part 142 training centers, TCEs, DPEs, ASIs, and AMEs.

Consequences of Failing to Meet the English Language Proficiency Requirements. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may exercise the privileges of an airman certificate issued under part 61, 63, or 65 unless that person meets the English language proficiency requirements of those parts. If a person holding an airman certificate issued under these parts does not meet the English language proficiency requirements, the Administrator will take action to suspend, revoke, or reissue that person's airman certificate; this action is permitted under Title 49 of the United States Code (49 U.S.C.) § 44709.

The complete Notice can be found at and is available on at

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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Piper AD Affects 34,000 Aircraft

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Date: Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 3:48 PM
Subject: "FAAST Blast" -

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

Notice Number: NOTC4567

FAAST Blast — Week of Feb 04 – Feb 10, 2013
Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update

Piper AD Affects 34,000 Aircraft
            A new Airworthiness Directive (AD) was issued by the FAA to correct an unsafe condition on select models of Piper PA-28, PA-32, PA-34, and PA-44 aircraft. The AD, prompted by reports of control cable assembly failures that could result in loss of pitch control, requires inspections of the stabilator control system and replacement of parts as necessary.
The AD goes into effect on March 11, 2013, and affects more than 34,000 aircraft of U.S. registry. For more details on the inspection procedures required with this AD, go to, or click the AD link from   

FAA Issues SAIB for Piper Super Cub
            On February 6, 2013, the FAA issued a Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) alerting owners and operators of Piper PA-18 (L-21) airplanes of cracking discovered in the weld joint of the aft fuselage tail post. If undetected, the cracking could become significant and result in a potential safety of flight hazard such as loss of control of the lower rudder hinge or tail wheel.
The FAA recommends the affected Piper airplane models that have accumulated 1,000 hours total time in service (TIS) be inspected using a fluorescent penetrant and/or x-ray within the next 100 hours TIS in the fuselage tail post area, and then be repeated every 1,000 hours TIS. These inspections are particularly important if the aircraft is subject to operation in severe turbulence, towing, or on rough terrain. The SAIB also provides guidance on recommended inspections for various Piper airplane models with similar tail post configurations. For more information as well as a detailed x-ray view of a damaged area, go to
From FDA to FAA
            The need for careful evaluation of a drug's effects is the reason for the FAA's general policy of waiting a year after a drug receives FDA approval before it will be considered for use by airmen. A drug that successfully and effectively treats a particular condition on the ground may not be safe or suitable for use in the flying environment.
Learn more about how the FAA evaluates drugs for aeromedical use in the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of FAA Safety Briefing at
Produced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors,
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Iran Shows Decoded Video from Captured American Drone

The Teeny, Tiny Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter Is Available For Pre-Order

Pilot's View: Airbus A380 approach and landing at San Francisco. [VIDEO] 14 min.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Who's Flying the Plane?

Blimps to bolster Washington's air shield in test

Fwd: Positive Aircraft Control and Following the Rules -

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From: "" <>
Date: Feb 1, 2013 1:04 PM
Subject: Positive Aircraft Control and Following the Rules -
To: <>

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

You have asked us to notify you when a seminar is scheduled that meets your criteria. The following seminar may be of interest to you:

"Positive Aircraft Control and Following the Rules"
Topic: Loss of Control and Failure to Follow Procedures
On Saturday, February 9, 2013 at 10:00 AM
Moontown Airport, 3M5
200 Airport Drive

Brownsboro, AL 35741

Select Number:

We'll discuss contributing factors and focus on associated issues related to aircraft loss of control. Additionally, we'll look into FAA rules, discuss their origin, and assess instances where failure-to-follow got airmen into trouble.   

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.

The sponsor for this seminar is: Alabama FAASTeam

The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the "Contact Information" area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services.

The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:

Basic Flight 2 - 1 Credit

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