Thursday, August 22, 2013

Fwd: "NOTAM on NOTAMs" -

Notice Number: NOTC4908

When you check Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) after August 22, 2013 you'll notice some changes.  This will bring the U.S. NOTAM System closer to ICAO compliance and make them easier for airmen to read.

Here are some examples of the changes:

1) The big differences will be in the Field Condition (FICON) NOTAMs. 

•       PILOT REPORTED:  During periods when field conditions are not being monitored, a FICON NOTAM may be originated for a pilot-reported condition.  The words "PILOT REPORTED" must precede the word "FICON."When the FICON is "PILOT REPORTED," the expiration time must not exceed 12 hours. 
–      !FOE FOE RWY 13/31 PILOT REPORTED FICON 1/2IN WET SN OVER  ICE OBSERVED AT 1301040738.  1301040745-1301041115
•       Reportable Depth Measurements and Reportable Contaminants.  These are the ONLY contaminant possibilities.
Reportable Contaminants

Water* (1/8 inch and greater)




Wet ice

Water* over ice

Wet snow*

Wet snow* over ice

Dry snow*

Dry snow* over ice

Compacted snow

Water* over compacted snow

Wet snow* over compacted snow

Dry snow* over compacted snow






–      !MOT MOT TWY C, C1, C6, D BTN RWY 13/31 AND TWY C FICON 1/2IN DRY SN OVER ICE OBSERVED AT 1312202200. 1312202203-1312210000EST

•       Observation time.  Every FICON NOTAM must have the time that the conditions were observed, in addition to the effective/expiration time. 
–      !MIV MIV RWY 10/28 FICON 1/4IN DRY SN OVER ICE OBSERVED AT 1312201200. 1312201202-1312201600EST

•       CONDITIONS NOT MONITORED: When the field conditions will not be monitored, follow the most recent observation with the words "CONDITIONS NOT MONITORED (date/time) (date/time)."
–       !FOE FOE RWY 13/31 FICON WET ICE OBSERVED AT 1301040230 CONDITIONS NOT MONITORED 1301040300-1301041045. 1301040253-1301041115EST

•       Effective time/expiration time.  FICON NOTAMs are considered temporary, therefore an estimated expiration time for FICON NOTAMs must not exceed 24 hours from the effective time
2) Other changes include:

•       Units of Measurement format changes– for example –
·         500 will change to 500FT
·         12500 will change to 12500LB
·         5 will change to 5NM
•       Affected altitude will be shown as Lower limit/upper limit. 
·         1000/BLW will change to SFC - 1000FT
·         FL999/BLW will change to SFC - UNL
(Where SFC = surface and UNL = unlimited)

•       Effective/expiration time.  EVERY NOTAM will have an effective and expiration time.
–      If the NOTAM duration is uncertain, the approximate expiration time must be indicated by using a date-time group followed immediately by "EST" (estimate).  Any NOTAM which includes an "EST" must be canceled or replaced before the expiration time specified in the NOTAM, as the NOTAM will not auto-expire. 
–      When a NOTAM is originated to advertise a permanent condition that will be published in a publication, chart or database, "PERM" should be inserted as the expiration date in lieu of a 10-digit date-time group. 
–      If neither "EST" nor "PERM" is used, the NOTAM will auto-expire at the expiration date.

•       Changes to usable runway length and declared distances will be spelled out.
–      Adding the Declared Distances is new to the displaced threshold policy.  It will help the pilot know (without calculating) what the new distances are.
–      !MKC MKC RWY 19 THR DISPLACED 300FT NOT  STD MARKING.  DECLARED DISTANCES: TORA 6827 TODA 6827 ASDA 6827 LDA 6527. 130601150300–1307141600EST
–      !MKC MKC RWY 1 DECLARED DISTANCES: TORA 6827 TODA 6827 ASDA 6527 LDA 6527.  130601150300–1307141600EST

•       Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) and GBAS Landing System (GLS). GBAS augments the GPS to improve aircraft safety during airport approaches and landings.  GLS is the name assigned to the instrument approach procedure/capability provided by GBAS, available only at EWR and IAH at this time. 
–      !IAH IAH NAV GBAS OUT OF SERVICE 1309211600-1309211900EST
–      !EWR EWR NAV GLS RWY 4R, RWY 4L, RWY 11, RWY 22R, RWY 22L OTS 1307182135-1307182200

•       Traffic/Flight Information Service Broadcast (TIS-B and FIS-B) is a new

–      TIS-B is intended to provide ADS-B-equipped aircraft with a more complete traffic picture in situations where not all nearby aircraft are equipped with ADS-B.
–      FIS-B is the ground-to-air broadcast of meteorological and aeronautical information. FIS-B allows the pilot to passively collect and display weather and other operational data.  

Want to learn more?
"Basic pilot guidance on NOTAMs"
"FAA Order that causes these changes to take effect" FAA Order, 7930.2, Notices to Airmen,

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