Monday, April 9, 2012

Fwd: "FAAST Blast" -

Notice Number: NOTC3648

FAAST Blast — Week of Apr 2 – Apr 8, 2012
Biweekly FAA Safety Briefing News Update

FAA and Industry FIRC Meeting
            On March 28, the FAA met with Flight Instructor Refresher Course (FIRC) providers and stakeholders during the 2012 Sun 'n Fun Fly-In and Expo in Lakeland, Fl. The meeting, moderated by FIRC program manager and Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI) Jeffrey Smith and ASI Mark Giron, included an address from the GA and Commercial Division manager Mel Cintron. The overall purpose of the presentation was to continue the dialogue between the FAA and the FIRC community. The FAA firmly believes such open communication will continue to support a comprehensive and robust FIRC program both now and into the future.

FAA Removes Requirement to Carry Special Issuance Authorization Letters
            In a direct final rule published March 22, 2012, the FAA has removed the requirement for individuals granted the Special Issuance of a Medical Certificate to have their letter of Authorization in their possession or readily accessible while exercising pilot privileges. This rule, which goes into effect July 20, 2012, does not change the longstanding FAA operational requirements under 14 CFR section 61.3 regarding FAA certificates that must be carried while exercising pilot privileges, including FAA medical certificates.
            Once the rule becomes effective, paragraph (j) of 14 CFR section 67.401 will be deleted, along with the "Note" found on FAA medical certificates under the header "Conditions of Issue," which directs affected individuals to carry their letter of Authorization. For more details on the new rule, go to:

FAA Seeks Input on UAS Test Sites; Webinars Scheduled April 10 and 11
            In an effort to seek public input on the selection process for UAS test sites, the FAA is hosting two identical webinars on April 10 and 11, 2012. These webinars will include a background on the FAA Modernization & Reform Act of 2012 and the Request for Comment followed by a question and answer session. Use the links below to register for one of these webinars. Be advised that capacity is limited.
            - Register to attend the webinar on April 10, 2012, from 10 a.m.-12 p.m (EDT)
            - Register to attend the webinar on April 11, 2012, from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. (EDT)

Keeping an UPRighT Attitude
            If you have attended one of the FAA Safety Standdowns this month, you know that Loss-of-Control is the focal point of discussion at the seminars. No matter how LOC is defined, the fact remains that all pilots need to focus harder on staying in control. In her FAA Safety Briefing article "Keeping an UPRighT Attitude," Dr. Janeen Kochan explains how Upset Recovery and Prevention Training (UPRT) can help pilots get a hold on LOC. In addition to fine-tuning stick-and-rudder skills, UPRT also emphasizes teaching pilots how to maintain awareness of situations that could contribute and lead up to LOC situations.
            For more on how UPRT training can help you increase your margin of safety, be sure to read the article on page 15 of the March/April issue at: Also, check out the Safety Standdown website ( to see where you can attend a free live seminar on this important topic.

Produced by the FAA Safety Briefing editors,
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