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Thursday, June 29, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Shortage of pilots could hinder airlines' growth | Reuters
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Monday, June 12, 2017
Fwd: SpotTheStation
Time: Mon Jun 12 8:42 PM, Visible: 4 min, Max Height: 47°, Appears: 27° above NNW, Disappears: 14° above ESE
Friday, June 9, 2017
Friday, June 2, 2017
Fwd: "FAAST Blast – SAFOs Cover Attitude Indicators and ACS Changes, Int’l Flight Plan Update, Dawn of Drones" -
FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education | |
FAAST Blast – SAFOs Cover Attitude Indicators and ACS Changes, Int'l Flight Plan Update, Dawn of Drones FAAST Blast — Week of May 29, 2017 – June 04, 2017 New SAFOs Cover Attitude Indicator Limitation; ACS Changes The FAA recently published a Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO 17008) that notifies aircraft operators of the potential operational limitations of some attitude indicators in the event of unusual attitude recovery. The SAFO states that operators should be aware of design limitations of the make and model of the attitude indicator installed in their aircraft. The design of the instrument, if displaying only a minimum pitch indication of ± 25 degrees vertically, could "peg" at this maximum or minimum pitch indication or "tumble" and provide erroneous pitch and bank indications when the aircraft exceeds these limits. This guidance was recommended by National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) Safety Recommendation A-14-108. SAFO 17009, issued May 30, advises the general aviation community of changes to the evaluation standards for the slow flight task and certain stall tasks in the Private Pilot – Airplane Airman Certification Standards (ACS) and the Commercial Pilot – Airplane ACS, which will be effective June 12, 2017. It replaces a previous SAFO (16010) and provides a more comprehensive discussion of the Slow Flight and Stalls Area of Operation in the ACS. To access these and other SAFOs, visit
International Flight Plan Update The FAA recently met with Nav Canada and vendors (Harris Corporation, CSRA and Leidos) to review testing results between all operating systems for implementation of the new FAA requirement for International Flight Plan (ICAO) format for all civil flights filed with Flight Service. To ensure a safe and seamless transition with full interoperability, the FAA has decided to delay implementation until the Fall of 2017. The additional time will allow all service providers to address required changes identified in testing and integrate enhancements to the international format, while avoiding system changes during the busy summer flying season. The FAA will provide a 30-day advance notice to the public when a final date is selected later this year. Learn more about the FAA International Flight Plan format by visiting our website.
The Dawn of Drones Pilots: Are you the Doomsayer, the Dozer, or the Dazzled when it comes to drones? Traditional pilots generally fall into one of these three groups when it comes to opinions on drones. Figure out which group you belong to here:
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