Thursday, April 11, 2013

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Fwd: 2013 National Safety Stand Down -

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

"2013 National Safety Stand Down"
Topic: Local Safety Issues, Loss of Control, & the #1 aviation fatal factor – Human Error
On Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 9:00 AM
Sanders Aviation
20 Ellis Haynes Dr.
Walker Co Airport
Jasper, AL 35504

Select Number:

Meet your fellow aviators at the 4th Annual National Safety Stand Down.  This year  thousands of pilots across the country will come together as a Safety Community to participate in a dynamic, interactive program devoted to Local Safety Issues, Loss of Control, and the number one aviation fatal factor – Human Error.  Don't miss this opportunity to hear from local flying experts, participate in dynamic discussions, and gain practical insights on how you can learn more from accident reports and reduce errors in your own flying.  Be a part of the safety community.  Tell your friends, "I'll see you at the Stand Down."

To view further details and registration information for this seminar, click here.

The sponsor for this seminar is: National FAA Safety Team

The FAA Safety Team (FAASTeam) is committed to providing equal access to this meeting/event for all participants. If you need alternative formats or services because of a disability, please communicate your request as soon as possible with the person in the 'Contact Information' area of the meeting/event notice. Note that two weeks is usually required to arrange services.

The following credit(s) are available for the WINGS/AMT Programs:

Basic Knowledge 1 - 1 Credit
Basic Knowledge 2 - 1 Credit
Basic Knowledge 3 - 1 Credit

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Lawmakers Write Obama: No $100 User Fee for Aviation

Fla. Senate passes anti-drones bill |

LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE VA - Air Force officials Tuesday began standing down active-duty combat units to ensure the remaining units supporting worldwide operations can maintain sufficient readiness through the remainder of the fiscal year.

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Alabama Limits Liability On Large Aircraft Manufacturers, Suppliers

Alabama Limits Liability On Large Aircraft Manufacturers, Suppliers

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Fwd: "Have you seen the new issue of FAA Safety Briefing? " -

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

Have you seen the new issue of FAA Safety Briefing?
Notice Number: NOTC4671

Have you seen the new issue of FAA Safety Briefing?

The March/April issue, available at ( focuses on the themes of the 4th Annual FAA Safety Standdown: building a safety community, human error, and loss of control. The issue's departments also focus on these and other key areas of GA safety.

In Jumpseat (p 1), Director of Flight Standards Service John Allen describes the importance of getting to know your fellow flyers and building an aviation safety community.

In her Checklist department (p 24), Editor Susan Parson reviews some of the "spring cleaning" we've done with the magazine in this issue. New cover elements, a redesigned table of contents, and new department banners are among the changes.

The issue's Nuts, Bolts, and Electrons department (pg 25) looks at complacency in the workplace, while Angle of Attack (pg 28) features a Q&A with NTSB Board Member Dr. Earl Weener.

Finally, this issue's FAA Faces department profiles FAASTeam Program Manager Guy Minor, whose passion is with human factors. "I speak and write from the point of view of a mechanic addressing human factors issues, as opposed to a psychologist addressing aviation issues," says Minor. For more on Minor's efforts to support a positive safety culture in aviation, see page 33.


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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fwd: "Air Traffic Control Facility Closures" -

FAA Safety Team | Safer Skies Through Education

Air Traffic Control Facility Closures
Notice Number: NOTC4665

On February 22, 2013, Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and Federal Aviation Administrator (FAA) Michael Huerta jointly announced the possible impacts of a budget sequestration on FAA operations.  This announcement included notification of potential closure of over 100 air traffic control towers, with those impending closures beginning April 7, 2013.  The FAA has subsequently released a list of 149 control towers that will be closed and the agency has made the decision to keep 24 federal contract towers open, read:  Press Release – FAA Makes Tower Closing Decision.
As the probability of these tower closures and reduced operating hours nears, it is important to increase our awareness of proper operating practices and procedures at airports without an operating control tower.  Although we often hear these airports called "uncontrolled", you can help ensure continued safe and controlled operations through adherence to published practices and procedures. Of course, "non-towered airport" is the proper term to use for an airport without an operating control tower.
There are many resources that provide advisory information for operations at airports without an operating control tower. These include the FAA Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), Advisory Circular (AC) 90-66A , CFR 91.113 (Basic Right of Way Rules), CFR 91.126 and CFR 91.127 (Traffic Flow Rules at Non-Towered Airports).
Please also note that some aeronautical experience for pilot certification requires takeoffs and landings at a towered airport. This may increase activity at the remaining towered airports, and will necessitate diligent planning on the part of training providers, instructors and students.
So, what can I do?

  • Always check NOTAMs prior to flight.
  • Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.  Remember, communication includes listening, not just transmitting.
  • Stay alert and continually scan for traffic. This may include turbojet, turboprop or helicopter operators that are not accustom to "standard traffic patterns" at your airport.
  • Be aware that you may now be sharing the traffic pattern with non-radio equipped aircraft or ultralights.
  • Spend some time with your CFI improving your knowledge and skills.
  • Improve your knowledge by completing one or more of the many on-line courses available through the website. 
URL for the links listed in the notice:
Press Release:
AC 90-66A:$FILE/AC90-66A.pdf
CFR 91.113:
CFR 91.126:
CFR 91.127:
Remember, safety is every pilot's responsibility. Have a safe and enjoyable flight!

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Dutch reality TV show offers one-way trip to Mars

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